Roger says, “I was so tired of being fat and not being able to lose weight that I just wanted to die. I tried a low carb – high protein – high fat diet, a liquid shake diet, limiting portions, a low fat – low calorie diet and even acupuncture to name a few. I was a diet failure. Just like most people, I didn’t have the discipline and will power to succeed.
At one point, for my daughter’s wedding, I even tried starvation – pushing myself away from the table for 9 months… and got down to 278 pounds. But the day of the wedding, even as I was walking her down the aisle, all I could think about was pigging-out at the reception. I ballooned back up to more than I had ever weighed before.
Finally, after 15 years of trial and error, I discovered how you can lose weight by actually eating regular foods you enjoy and eating until you are full… and that includes fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
After I started losing weight, my wife Anita couldn’t believe it because I ate so much food and didn’t exercise. She actually thought there was something wrong with me. She thought I had lost the weight because I was sick… and made me go to the doctor for a physical. He also didn’t believe I could lose so much weight naturally. After he looked at me and realized that I did not have my stomach stapled, he said, “I don’t know what you are doing… but everyone should be doing it!”
Let’s Do Lunch, Eating all the CALORIES and CARBS you want to lose weight! is the only book I have written. I’m not a professional author. I’m a former obese man who was embarrassed by his body – was fortunate enough, with God’s help, to discover the safest, easiest and most effective way to not only lose weight, but keep it off – and now I want to share this life-changing plan. I know Let’s Do Lunch can help you.”
Before you begin looking at, I want to tell you what I believe The Bible Says about God having a plan for everyone’s life. He does have a plan for those who have been chosen to carry out The Prophecies, and He Does Answer Lots of Prayers
However, if we die in a plane crash, or from cancer, etc., IT’s NOT BECAUSE HE PLANNED THIS TO HAPPEN. He is Always With Us, but He doesn’t interfere in our lives. HE PUT US IN THE WOMB, AS HIS CHILDREN, TO LIVE and to have a chance to Love Him; with the understanding that we will have a second chance, during the Millennium when Jesus comes to judge the quick and the dead.
Hopefully, knowing this will help you cope with the loss of loved ones.